Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh

Torres Strait Islander Art from Badu Island
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Home / Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure

Badhulgaw Kuthinaw Mudh, TSI Corporation (Trading as Badu Arts Centre) is governed by a Board of Directors and its day to day business is conducted by the Arts Centre Manager and 10 staff. Staff report to the Manager who with the board has the responsibility for delivering to the community of Badu Island a diverse program of events and training opportunities that supports Arts Practice, Arts Business and Cultural Maintainance works.

Our Art Centre has an excellent structure and we are proud of how well we govern and manage our business.

The Board is comprised of local Badu Island Artists and leaders, and a full time General Manager. Our finances are managed independently and we are audited each year.

The Board of Directors are elected at the Annual General Meeting by the membership.


The Board and Manager

The General Manager is:

Ms Harriet Gaffney

The board of Directors:

  • Mr Solomon Ahmat (Chair)
  • Mr Aiona Tala Gaidan (jrn)
  • Mr Joseph Au
  • Ms Matida Nona
  • Mr Eddie Nona
  • Ms Rowena Johnson
  • Mr Jymahl Savage
  • Ms Dillyann Matasia
  • Mrs Geiza Stow



The Art Centre is a financial contributor and member of IACA - the Indigenous Art Centre Alliance, based in Cairns. IACA is the peak body for Indigenous Art Centres in Northern and Remote Queensland.